Kumbalwela Monastery
Kumbalwela Mahamevnawa Monastery offers serene meditation and wisdom in nature's embrace.
21 KM
Book NowOftentimes, vacations don’t just want a hotel. Instead, they want an entry point to explore the local culture. That’s where Green Garden Bungalow stands. The site blends cultural elements to create a unique user experience. The onsen pool section, for example, not only describes the experience but also educates the visitor on Japanese traditions. You’re already learning about the culture you’ll experience before you step foot on the plane.
Mon - Fri
8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.mSat - Sun
8.00 a.m to 1.00 p.mNo 29, Jayawikrama Mawatha Haputhale
+94 76 300 4700 | +94 71 874 4700